Monthly Archives: March 2015
Call for Submissions Antithese #2: The Maagdenhuis Appropriation
Since the 25th of February De Nieuwe Universiteit is reclaiming the Maagdenhuis as an autonomous space to rethink the university’s model. While the protests started at the UvA, for a big part against the budget cuts on the Humanities faculty, … Continue reading
Voor een problematiserende academische gemeenschap
Beste actievoerende Amsterdamse academici, Jullie hebben je de afgelopen tijd verenigd in bewegingen (Humanities Rally, De Nieuwe Universiteit, Rethink UvA), meerdere keren gedemonstreerd, alsook het College van Bestuur (CvB) geconfronteerd met een aantal eisen die betrekking hebben op de organisatie … Continue reading
Antithese #1
Printable version : ANTITHESE #1 Printable PDF Online readable version : ANTITHESE #1 Readable PDF Editorial : The Bungehuis Revolutie! Antithese was formed by a group of concerned students and academics from different faculties who represent de Nieuwe Universiteit movement. What started … Continue reading
Call for Submissions
Antithese : Bungehuis Revolutie! Call for submissions In the last weeks, The Netherlands has witnessed an escalation of actions that can be framed in a global struggle against the neoliberalization of universities. Although many voices had been heard in the … Continue reading